Saturday, October 16, 2010

Why does Obama bash Arizona?

Maricopa County, Arizona District Attorney’s office released crime statistics of the following in 07.
Overall, while illegals represent only >> 9% << of the population in Maricopa County (which includes Phoenix) they are responsible for approximately >> 22% << of the crimes committed against U.S. Citizens and the state.
Here is a breakdown of statistics by crime category. Illegal aliens account for:
33.5% of those sentenced for manufacture, sale or transport of drugs.
35.8% of those sentenced for kidnapping.
20.3% of those sentenced for felony DUI.
16.5% of those sentenced for violent crimes.
18.5% of those sentenced for property crimes.
44% of those sentenced for forgery and fraud.
85.3% of those convicted of criminal impersonation or false ID.
96% of those convicted of human smuggling.
-----> “Arizona citizens said they cannot continue living in a lawless state where citizens must fend for their lives every day. Illegal aliens disrupt schools, overwhelm hospitals and spill out of Arizona prisons. Over a week ago, an illegal alien migrant shot Arizona rancher Rob Krentz to death in a brutal execution. In the last few years, Arizona police officers, like Nick Erfle, suffer death at the hands of illegals.”
““The responsibility to ensure that we have an orderly, secure border – not just some imaginary line or a rickety fence – belongs to the federal government, and they have failed,” Brewer said, who asked five times for President Barack Obama to deploy troops.” Obama ignores it.
8 U.S.C. § 1325 : US Code – Section 1325
It appears that protecting illegal aliens is a bigger priority than protecting your own citizens. WHY IS THAT?


  1. Because it is more economically viable to fund an overseas war then fund ongoing inland terrorism and illegal citizenship. By prioritizing overseas ventures, the can exercise an open door funding or political contributions under the blanket of foreign policy. To create a fund that is limited to the United States, it will only cost money and bears no profit or political gain. It's no longer about upholding laws or the constitution, its focusing on an out of reach, unrealistic, and highly de devastating goal the outpowers and infuriates homeland security and the well being of the citizens of these United States. Meanwhile, politicians and media create slander against any state striving to publicly defend from foreign infiltration with redirection and racism.

  2. Because this socialist wants to create marshall law so he can be in charge... another thought if he is able to make illegal aliens legal maybe it will make his Kenya status as Legal citizenship for him.
